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Melody Shuman - Super Punches

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Melody Shuman - The Alphabet

Melody Shuman • 1m 44s

Up Next in Melody Shuman

  • Melody Shuman - Super Punches

    This drill will allow your students to focus on power to launch the focus pad as far as possible after punching it. A big yell always makes the pad fly farther!
    Power | Kids | Punching | Intensity

  • Melody Shuman - Target Practice

    Students will use any technique of your choice to attempt to send a focus pad flying at a bag. This always provides a fun challenge for students of any level.
    Precision | Accuracy | Pad Drill | Kids | Power

  • Melody Shuman - Touch the Cone Relay

    One student calls out the names of several ones. Two other students have to relay race to touch each of the colors first. This is great for young students honing their memory skills.
    Kids | Memory | Focus